Our Story.

In the winter of 2018 my husband and I packed a 12 ft Uhaul trailer to the gills and hit the road westward with our dog Loretta and a ton of houseplants. I had been living and farming in the Hudson Valley in New York for a decade. I cut my teeth with my first farm business at Ironwood Farm, a 10 acre all woman owned and operated organic veggie operation there, as well as at many instrumental farm jobs on the east coast prior.

Wing Over Farm is a farm operating on two sites here in Moscow ID, totaling 7 acres. As we enter our 6th year here, what started as a one woman show, has become a vibrant farm with a team of 3-5 crew each year — shout out Shauna, Garrett, Liz, Josie, Sela, Lauren, Melissa, Hannah, Anna, and Ellen!.

Paul my husband joined the crew in 2022 when we had our first child, baby June. We also got a new pup -a great pyrenees named Homer. It’s been fun and lovely to scale back from the big farm I had in NY to 4 acres of intensive gardens here in Moscow. We focus on lower tillage, sustainable and organic growing practices, and strategies that make us feel happy, healthy, and whole.

You can get Wing Over’s organically grown produce, pasture raised eggs, microgreens, and flowers this season at our farm store at the farm in town, through our CSA, at the Moscow Summer and Winter Farmers Markets, while shopping at the Moscow Food Coop, or while dining at local restaurants in Moscow. Please come by the farm and see what we’ve got to offer! We would love to feed you!